“It is essential that every single one of your transactions in life should not be separated from true values”
When youth don’t have a clear vision for their life purpose they become frustrated ; their focus is blurred. This creates lethargy and apathy. Ultimately youth end up in hopelessness as they lack perseverance without a a vision of their true purpose..
Joseph and Rachel are very energetic teenagers who were eager to find their true purpose and calling in life. For example Rachel says “I am personally rushing in to many things attempting to find my specific calling for the rest of my life right now.”
Harvest Leadership Institute Sri Lanka regularly conducts courses on Ethics for the Marketplace for young influencers. The objective of the course is to prepare young leaders to impact the marketplace and create transformation. Recently Leadership In Action conducted three modules on Worldview and Business Ethics for HLI. These modules were based on the Partner’s Worldwide SME Curriculum, with additional content on business ethics.
15 young influencers engaged in many animated and weighty discussions as they wrestled with some intense ethical conundrums They were very excited to learn what their calling is right now at this stage in life. “I learned that whichever field you are in, even in the business world you can still be close to God” shares Joseph reflecting his takeaways from the program. Rachel pitched in to comment “I learned that If you want to live a life where others can see God through you, it’s essential that every single one of your transactions in life should not be separated from true biblical values” and “ I now realize that everything an individual does serves a greater purpose; even the smallest of things we do is a call of God at that particular time.”
“Everything an individual does serves a greater purpose;
Even the smallest of things we do is a call of God at that particular time.”
Paul Navamani, the Managing Director of Leadership In Action was the lecturer and facilitator. Paul’s vision is to be a ladder-holder helping to ignite young leaders to help them build a values-based life- foundation so that they can clearly define their life purpose.. Since 2014 Paul has been conducting experiential trainings following his life-long passion for non-classroom-based training methods. He has seen this approach create sustainable learning experiences which increase retention, application and transformation. He has also been training and mentoring entrepreneurs as well as small business owners. In 2020 he commenced on the formal coaching pathway, developing skills in Leadership and Entrepreneurship Coaching. Paul has designed and conducted customized sessions for clients in the public and private sectors in Sri Lanka as well as overseas.
Thanks to all our supporters who help HLI and LIA equip and mentor young influencers to become marketplace leaders and entrepreneurs having a clear life-vision and goal for transformation